Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fine thread Z axis - succes

I am carefully optimistic to have managed one of the main Z axis problems.

With the original 5/16" threaded rod I had one deteriorated layer for every rotation the rod did. Which resulted in a gap every 1.4mm. I still dont exactly how this happened but there must have been something in the thread which would cast the extruder to not lay down material well.

Before with 5/16" threaded rod
Here you can see how I not only get a gap and an upwards curled filament line but it also looks like the extruder stuttered.

After with M8 fine thread

Now this looks much better. Since the filament is half transparent they layers are much more visible and the main bed wobble is still visible but the whole wall look much more uninterrupted.
With better quality filament (I really don´t recommend buying "Jet PLA") and a solid color I might be able to actually print decent quality.

Coming up: Speed testing. I want to reach an accelerated 80 mm/s and the print parts to change the whole Z axis assemble, but the fine thread will definitely be a part of it.

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