Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Filament producer options - Filabot

Getting to produce our own filament should reduce the cost to 10-20% of the normal 30€/spool price.
Models range from 300-800€. Most of them are still in the Kickstarter process so we will focus on the ones already out.

First up the Filabot (649$ excl shipping). If I remember correctly the Filabot kickstarter campain is started 1.5-2 years ago and as we see produced a working machine. It seems to do its job but as we know from the Eventorbot campaign that doesnt have to mean anything. The Filabot was featured in Make magazine which means even less, since the only repeat what the manufacturer is saying.
Nonetheless the machine looks solid to me and the price seems high enough for some quality parts to be in the kit.
I already contacted the makers for some details on the their recycling unit.

I´d like to hear from you what you think of this kit. What impression do you have of its workings (Youtube search link) and what have you read on 3D Printings blogs etc?

Next time: the Filastruder

P.S.: Try out the "Filament Tag" to find all post about the machines I considered.

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