Friday, October 31, 2014

Mending Filament

While I was thinking about a temp controller circuit I had the idea to build a little mechanism where you can put two filament ends in and melt them together.

It could basically be a little metal tube cut in half and drilled out to either 1.75 or 3mm hold in block of heat resistant stone or plaster with a hotend 40watt cartridge and a thermistor attached.

Once heated up you put the end in so some seconds, open it up and have continuous filament.
The same heater circuit could also used in a acetone chamber where the cartridge get replace by a heated bed.


Solid metal tube like the 8mm straight rods in our printers.

Temp controller like this come already with a thermocoupleöbel_Wohnen_Sonstige&var=&hash=item417e42b190

A 12V 40watt hot end cartridge

Sunday, October 19, 2014

E3d hotend under control?!

It took some time but I think I managed to crack the code on how to work with the E3D all metal V6 hotend.
The problem had been that the extruded lines were to far spaced based on my old extruder settings which let me to believe that there was too much resistance in the hotend.
I still have the feeling that the manual pressure to feed filament is way higher than in my old hotend but the main point was reducing the extrusion width. The width is now between 90% 150 of the layer height.