The Filastruder works fine now, so I was thinking about how to get some cheap spools for all the future filament. There are some printed version, which would work if I'm the only user but if I want to sell a bit filament to my local 3D printing community I will need a cheap alternative.
I did not find a lot of offers which would suit my needs for a spool so I glued together two toilet paper roll to make the core diameter bigger and put some cardboard on the sides, drilled holes in the sides and voilĂ a nice filament spool basically no cost.
I'm gonna test its functionality tonight but it looks promising.
I did not find a lot of offers which would suit my needs for a spool so I glued together two toilet paper roll to make the core diameter bigger and put some cardboard on the sides, drilled holes in the sides and voilĂ a nice filament spool basically no cost.
I'm gonna test its functionality tonight but it looks promising.