Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pro Tip #2 - Looping your filament

Here we have barnacules1 demonstrating how you can melt the end of the old spool and the beginning of the new spool together and safe you all the hassle with the filament change routine.

Friday, June 28, 2013

It´s growing

We´re making some progress. All non-frame related parts are assembled. Hoping the welded frame comes tomorrow.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pro Tip - Making PLA flexible

In order to really make this blog a useful tool we´re introducing a new category! Pro Tips.

This guys found a way to make PLA which is normally brittle and hard into a flexible material.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Trouble in Paradise

There are two little issues at the moment.

1) One of the tack welds on the frame didn´t survive the transport.

I discussed solutions in this thread.

It is suggested we go to any repair garage and get some reinforcement welds. This should be solved easily.

2) The hotbed upgrades wasn´t delivered. So we´re missing the heating element and our power supply is also the weaker version. I´m already in contact with the creator to get the upgrade.

Baby is here

and it looks gorgeous.

We will be doning an in depth unboxing later.